The Benefits of Psychiatry via Telehealth

In an era where literally everything is digital, it would only make sense for most doctors and medical professionals to take their practices to an online setting when possible. Coupled with the onset of the pandemic, virtually everything has become part of our new normal. 

The truth is that far before the pandemic, there were significant benefits to receiving medical care virtually, especially in the psychiatric sector. From extending a provider’s reach to getting care immediately, there are numerous benefits to consider when deciding whether to opt into a psychiatric appointment through a live video stream from home. 

Let’s explore some of the most significant psychiatric care benefits via telehealth. 

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth, or telemedicine, is a term used to describe the exchange of information from a medical professional to a patient via electronic communications using virtual and technology-based methods like video calls on Zoom, Skype, or Facetime. 

Who has access to telehealth?

With more and more doctors and medical professionals offering telehealth options to standard care practices, almost everyone in the country has access to telehealth. 

There is no added charge to take your health appointment virtually as opposed to in-office. 

The only thing you need is a safe, quiet place to share your medical information, an internet connection, and a computer with a video recording setting and audio accessibility.

Can all appointments be virtual? 

No. In medicine, that’s impossible. 

Not all health appointments can be streamed virtually. Some appointments require in-office visits for a more thorough examination of your systems that may require additional testing by a trained medical professional. 

The good news is that most psychiatric appointments can be conducted virtually, meaning that your mental health can be taken care of from afar while feeling closely connected to your doctor or psychiatric nurse practitioner. 

What are the benefits of telehealth in the psychiatric field?

There are many benefits to choosing telehealth appointments for ongoing psychiatric treatment. Here are some of our favorite reasons to try telehealth today.

Community without the commute. 

The first, most important benefit is that telehealth gives patients in rural and underserved areas access to care they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Telepsychiatry can be done from anywhere within state lines. When patients are required to go in for appointments, their providers may be 30 minutes to a couple of hours drive away, requiring a change to their entire schedule, which can be a great inconvenience if they have to travel there often.

Skip the drive and connect with your provider within seconds online without the need to change out of comfy clothes or get ready to head out for the day.

Options are plenty. 

Telehealth gives patients more access to various types of providers. You are no longer limited to choosing providers based on proximity to your home or location of convenience. You can take a call from where you feel most comfortable without dealing with a long drive to see someone you feel safe and secure with. 

Nix the time away from work and school. 

Telehealth saves time by cutting down on the amount a patient may be missing from work or school to attend appointments. Telehealth boosts a patient’s schedule flexibility and overall availability by allowing them to fit in a virtual call when it’s most convenient for them, even on their lunch break or in between classes.

Patients can be anywhere and make these appointments as long as it’s a HIPAA compliance space-  meaning that it’s private, without other people around.

Telehealth is excellent for providers, too. 

Providers can easily accommodate evening or weekend appointments because they can be doing it from home via a virtual connection. There are fewer missed or rescheduled appointments because It doesn’t matter if patients are out of town. They can still hold their appointments from anywhere, as long as they’re a resident of that state. This allows for a more sound and timely treatment schedule and a more solid provider schedule. 

If you’re a new or current psychiatric patient hoping to move your appointments to a digital setting or just curious about what the process looks like, we can help. Digital appointments offer the highest level of convenience with the same top-level comprehensive care. Don’t delay treatment; get connected to a provider online today.