Payment Options
Simple Practice
- Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, and Aetna through Headway Simple Practice Patient Portal
About Headway Simple Practice
Headway is a billing and insurance platform for therapists and prescribers
- Step 1: Register with Headway by verifying your insurance and completing their required forms
- Step 2: Schedule 10-15 min consultation with me (if you would like to bypass this call, please contact me via email or contact Headway through the messaging portal)
- Step 3: I will get you registered in my patient portal Simple Practice, my EHR (electronic health record) where I do all scheduling and communication with my patients.
- Step 4: Fill out all intake paper work in Simple Practice and get ready for your 60-75 min new patient intake
**Remember, Headway is ONLY used for billing and insurance. ALL other patient communication (appointment requests/cancellations, medical questions, etc) are done through Simple Practice.
Shannon Psychiatry Simple Practice
- Out of pocket only
Key Points:
- Shannon Psychiatry does not accept insurance.
- Payments are only accepted with credit card, due at the time of service.
- Shannon Psychiatry can provide you with a billing statement, that you can then submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. Reimbursement is not always guaranteed, but sometimes insurance companies reimburse from 60%-100% of the visit.
Why The Fee-for-Service Model?
- At Shannon Psychiatry, the goal is personalized and thorough care. Cutting out the red tape of insurance, lets your practitioner spend more time with you as a patient. This is not a “medication factory” seeing 20+ patients a day. My desire is to see less patients and provide more thorough and more patient-involved care.
Private Pay Fee Schedule
(beginning January 1, 2023):
- 60-75-Minute New Patient Intake Appointment: $350
- 30-Minute Follow Up Appointment: $170
- Acute patients needing 1-2 week follow up after a new patient intake or 30 min follow up visit, can pay $102 per 20 min follow up. The fee goes back to $170 after 3 week time period.
- So if you are needing more than one visit in a 3 week time period due to changing of medications, acute mental status, you will only pay $170 once per 3 weeks and additional visits are $102 in that 3 weeks.
- College student/Grad school/Medical professional discount $250
- You will be required to enter credit card information when booking a visit. If you do not give at least 48 hours business day notice for cancelation or no show you will be charged full price of your visit ($350 for new patients and $170 for follow ups).